Israel Concerned Over Iranian ASAT (Source:
Israel's military has been concerned that Iran could obtain anti-satellite capabilities. Senior military officers and officials have raised the prospect that Iran could obtain anti-satellite capabilities from its allies. The officers cited the successful anti-satellite test by China, a leading ally of Iran, in January 2007. Officials said Iran has been obtaining advanced Chinese missile technology either directly through Beijing or through North Korea. They said in many cases Iran has been financing North Korean missile and other strategic programs based on Soviet and Chinese technology.
SpaceX Launch Update (Source:
Space X has reported in a brief posting to its website by CEO Elon Musk that the Kwajalein Army Range will have insufficient resources to support Space X testing and launch activities during the rest of February. According the posted statement "Several range personnel critical to the launch safety process will be unavailable. The earliest launch window available from the Range will open March 9.
Iran May Launch Its Own Spy Sat (Source:
Is Iran about to put a spy in the sky? The Israeli Web site, which maintains a wide circle of sources within Israeli intelligence, has claimed that Tehran may soon launch its own surveillance satellite. The booster vehicle would be a BM25 ballistic missile, "18 of which were purchased from North Korea, notwithstanding Pyongyang's denials of aid to Iran's nuclear program," Debka said.
NASA Seeks Input on Spaceport Operations Support for Constellation Vehicles (Source: NASA)
NASA has issued a request for information soliciting ideas on ground processing services for its Constellation Program and the next generation of space vehicles. The request seeks input from industry to assist NASA in planning for the acquisition of ground processing, assembly, integration, test, launch and recovery services at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. These services will support the Orion crew exploration vehicle, the Ares I crew launch vehicle and the Ares V cargo launch vehicle beginning with the first Constellation Program flight tests and continuing with actual missions to the International Space Station and the moon. NASA hopes to issue a draft request for proposals in Spring 2008 and to award a contract in Summer 2009.