Can the Southern African
Large Telescope Live Up to its Potential? (Source: Nature)
The Southern African Large Telescope (SALT) is only now finishing its
second year of normal science operations, and pressure is mounting for
the facility to prove itself. Along with the Square Kilometer Array
(SKA) of radio telescopes, SALT is a major component of South Africa's
effort to establish its scientific reputation and inspire a new
generation of African scientists.
Yet its teething problems have prompted questions about its design, the
way it was built and how it has been managed so far. SALT's defenders
counter that problems could not have been avoided in building one of
the world's largest telescopes on a shoestring. The telescope's
first-generation suite of detectors wasn't even complete until the
arrival of the HRS. And the spectrograph still needs to be tested and
calibrated before it opens for routine use early next year. (10/30)
Eutelsat: U.S. Military
Business Bounced Back During First Quarter (Source: Space
Satellite fleet operator Eutelsat on Oct. 29 said 90 percent of its
satellite capacity-lease contracts with the U.S. Department of Defense
that were due to be renewed in September and October have been renewed,
with prices at about the level Eutelsat expected.
A 90 percent renewal rate is higher than what happened during the
previous renewal period in February and March, when the U.S. military
cut back on leases with Eutelsat under budgetary pressures, causing
investors to fear that one of the company’s fastest-growing business
lines was slowing down. (10/30)
Sequestration Threatens
Key NASA Programs, Schedules (Source: Parabolic Arc)
Congressional and NASA officials are warning of deep cuts to the NASA
budget mandated by sequestration could delay and imperil key programs
and missions. Until Congress is willing to properly fund the U.S. space
program, all of its talk about sending humans back to the moon and then
on to Mars is only so much hot air. It really doesn’t matter what
destination we set for beyond Earth orbit, it’s not going to happen as
long as Congress is more focused on reducing debt than making sure NASA
can actually carry actually carry out its mandated programs. (10/30)
Scientists Discover the
First Earth-Sized Rocky Planet (Source: NASA)
Astronomers have discovered the first Earth-sized planet outside the
solar system that has a rocky composition like that of Earth.
Kepler-78b whizzes around its host star every 8.5 hours, making it a
blazing inferno and not suitable for life as we know it. Kepler-78b was
discovered using data from NASA’s Kepler space telescope, which for
four years simultaneously and continuously monitored more than 150,000
stars looking for telltale dips in their brightness caused by crossing,
or transiting, planets. (10/30)
New Mexico Taxpayers Foot
Bill as Virgin Galactic Delays Lengthen (Source: Parabolic
Commercial flights of Virgin Galactic’s SpaceShipTwo from Spaceport
America have slipped another six months to August 2014, resulting in
$6.9 million in additional costs to taxpayers, New Mexico officials
said. To pay for spaceport operations during the delay, the New Mexico
Spaceport Authority will raid $6.9 million from a $15 million budget
designated for the paving of a southern road to the remote site
Officials will ask the state legislature to replenish the road paving
fund when the next legislative session begins early next year.
Taxpayers are on the hook for $5 to $6 million for each year that
Virgin Galactic delays commercial flights from the southern New Mexico
spaceport. (10/30)
Huge Dark Matter
Experiment Finds Nothing But More Mysteries (Source: WIRED)
The hunt for dark matter just keeps getting more confusing. Today
scientists released findings from the first three months of the Large
Underground Xenon experiment, which looks directly for the invisible
particles thought to make up dark matter.
Many physicists hoped that the highly anticipated results would clear
up the situation surrounding dark matter experiments, which have so far
led to contradictory conclusions about the nature of the mysterious
substance. Some thought that LUX might show them which way to go,
narrowing the types of particles they might pursue. Instead, the
experiment turned up empty. (10/30)
NASA Suborbital Mission
Probes Role of Interstellar Gas (Source: NASA)
The area between the star systems in our galaxy, also known as the
interstellar medium, is populated with dust and hot gas. This gas is
thought to have a role in planetary and solar system formation. On Nov.
1 NASA will launch a Black Brant IX sounding rocket carrying the X-ray
Quantum Calorimeter (XQC) payload from the White Sands Missile Range,
in New Mexico, to study the role of this hot gas in solar system
formation via the X-rays that it produces. (10/30)
Brazil's Embraer Expands
in Florida (Source: Flight Global)
Embraer will add assembly lines for the Legacy 500/450 business jets to
the expanding Melbourne, Florida, production complex. Embraer started
building Phenom 100 and 300 jets in Melbourne in 2011. An engineering
and technology center is opening in Melbourne next year. Last year,
Embraer confirmed it would consider building Legacy series jets in
Florida if market demand could support it.
The Legacy 500/450 are midsize jets featuring fly-by-wire flight
controls, a first for a commercial aircraft of its size. Embraer has
assembled the first flight test aircraft at its headquarters in Sao
Jose dos Campos, Brazil. Embraer delivers roughly half of its executive
jets to customers in the USA. US suppliers and industrial partners also
contribute more than 60% of the parts and systems on board the aircraft.
In a separate program, Embraer also is assembling 20 Super Tucano light
attack aircraft in Jacksonville, Florida. The turboprop-powered
fighters will be modified by Sierra Nevada and delivered to the Afghan
Air Force, under a contract awarded by the US Air Force. Editor's Note:
Space Florida supported the state's incentive/financing package to
secure this expansion in the state. (10/30)
Editorial: New Mexico
Must Stay at Front of U.S. Spaceport Race (Source:
Albuquerque Journal)
New Mexico has a state-of-the-art, built-from-the-ground-up commercial
Spaceport. It has a cutting-edge anchor tenant in Virgin Galactic, on
track to start launching passengers into suborbital space early next
year. It has a forward-thinking tenant in SpaceX, a rocket company
already sending cargo to the International Space Station and poised to
have high-altitude test rockets lift off from the site before the end
of the year.
It has informed consent liability waivers that level the playing field
for spacecraft operators and manufacturers. It has high altitude,
restricted airspace, three Air Force bases, a missile range, two
national laboratories, and a long history of space flight. In
down-to-earth terms, New Mexico has impressive natural and man-made
leads in this next space race.
So it is vital not to squander them. Because not only do New Mexico
taxpayers have hundreds of millions at stake in Spaceport America’s
success, but plenty of other states want to enter that orbit. Spaceport
Colorado is set to apply for a commercial license by the end of 2013.
Florida’s Kennedy Space Center is working on renting its launch pad to
commercial spacelines. Texas has projects working in Midland and
Houston. And Hawaii, Georgia, Alabama and Puerto Rico are fueling up
proposals of their own. (10/30)
Did China Succeed in
Capturing One of Its Own Satellites? (Source: Space Policy
A Chinese satellite may have captured another Chinese space object
using a remote manipulator system according to analysis by Bob Christy
of Christy has been tracking the activities of a trio of
Chinese satellites launched in July using data from Air Force Space
Command (AFSC) through its SpaceTrack website. China
announced the names of the three satellites -- Shiyan-7 (SY-7 or
Experiment 7), Chuangxin-3 (CX-3), and Shijian-7 (SJ-7 or Practice-7)
-- but AFSC continues to refer to them only as Payload A, Payload B and
Payload C.
Christy and other analysts were interested in the maneuvers of Payload
C in August, then thought to be SY-7. Now it is "Payload A"
that is capturing attention and it may be SY-7
instead. China had indicated that SY-7 would be
testing a robotic manipulator system. New data issued by SpaceTrack
show Payload A and its subsatellite either very close or in identical
orbits, but "whether capture occurred is still open to confirmation."
Helms' Promotion Still
Stalled (Source: Florida Today)
For six months, a prominent Democratic lawmaker has blocked Lt. Gen.
Susan Helms’ nomination to be vice commander of Space Command, making
it unlikely that she will ever be confirmed. Helms continues to serve
as commander of 14th Air Force. Lt. Gen. John Hyten has already been
confirmed to replace her, but the Air Force is waiting for Helms to be
confirmed before moving forward, Air Force spokesman Capt. Adam Gregory
said. Helms’ nomination will expire in January 2015.
Helms is a former astronaut who served as commander of the 45th Space
Wing in Florida from June 2006 until October 2008. Both Helms and Hyten
declined to comment for this story, Gregory said. Sen. Claire McCaskill
of Missouri first objected to Helms nomination in April and then
reaffirmed her stance in June, citing Helms’ decision to overturn the
sex assault conviction of a captain at Vandenberg Air Force Base,
Calif., in February 2012. (10/30)
Space Frontier Foundation
Laments $1.2 Billion J-2X Dead End (Source: SFF)
The Space Frontier Foundation (SFF) is distressed by the announcement
that the J-2X Engine will never fly. NASA has numerous projects running
on tight budgets that could have used the now-vaporized resources spent
on J-2X. The engine was developed under NASA’s now-defunct
Constellation program in 2004, and cost in excess of $1.2 billion,
before being repurposed into the Space Launch System (SLS) in 2010.
Due to budgetary constraints, the engine will not finish testing until
2014. Now, after nearly ten years of development, NASA has come to the
realization that it has no need for the J-2X, and will be put on hold
for at least ten years, if the Senate Launch System (SLS) isn’t
canceled by then. (10/30)
NASA's Next Mars Mission:
Five Things to Know (Source: National Geographic)
NASA's next Mars mission aims to uncover the red planet's ancient
atmosphere. The Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Mission, or
MAVEN, will launch on November 18, weather permitting, for a ten-month
trip to Mars. Here are five things to know about the $671 million
mission to the planet that most looks like Earth, and that some hope
still harbors life. Click here.
Why Aliens Won't Look
Like Flipper (Source: NBC)
You hardly ever see depictions of extraterrestrials that live
underwater — and there's a good reason for that, says Don Lincoln. The
reason? It's hard to build a fire underwater. Some experts speculate
that many of the habitable planets in our galaxy are water worlds, with
no land in sight. But those wouldn't the best places for
technologically advanced civilizations to take root.
"There could be alien cavemen underwater," Lincoln, a physicist at
Fermilab in Illinois, told NBC News. "But truly, you can't smelt
metal." And that means it's unlikely that intelligent dolphins will
ever develop the technology for spaceflight. (10/30)
Trailer Truck-Size
Asteroid to Buzz Earth Inside Moon's Orbit (Source:
A space rock the size of a tractor-trailer is set to fly harmlessly by
Earth today (Oct. 29), zipping between our planet and the moon. "Small
asteroid 2013 UV3 will safely pass Earth Oct. 29," reads a Twitter post
from NASA's Near-Earth Object Program, based at the agency's Jet
Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). The space rock was first observed just a
few days ago, on Oct. 25, according to data from JPL. (10/29)
Damaged Dream Chaser Can
be Fixed and Program to Move Forward (Source: Universe
The privately built Dream Chaser ‘space taxi’ that was damaged after
landing during its otherwise successful first ever free-flight glide
test on Saturday, Oct 26, is repairable and the program will live on to
see another day, says the developer Sierra Nevada Corp., (SNC).
The Dream Chaser engineering test vehicle skidded off the runway and
landed sideways when its left landing gear failed to deploy at the last
second during touchdown on runway 22L at Edwards Air Force Base,
Calif., said Mark Sirangelo, corporate vice president for SNC Space
Systems, at a media teleconference. The vehicle is “repairable and
flyable again,” Sirangelo noted. More good news is that the ships
interior was not damaged and the exterior can be fixed. (10/30)
Watching Earth's Winds,
On a Shoestring (Source: NASA JPL)
Built with spare parts and without a moment to spare, the International
Space Station (ISS)-RapidScat isn't your average NASA Earth science
mission. Short for Rapid Scatterometer, ISS-RapidScat will monitor
ocean winds from the vantage point of the space station . It will join
a handful of other satellite scatterometer missions that make essential
measurements used to support weather and marine forecasting, including
the tracking of storms and hurricanes.
It will also help improve our understanding of how interactions between
Earth's ocean and atmosphere influence our climate. Scatterometers work
by safely bouncing low-energy microwaves - the same kind used at high
energy to warm up food in your kitchen - off the surface of Earth. In
this case, the surface is not land, but the ocean. By measuring the
strength and direction of the microwave echo, ISS-RapidScat will be
able to determine how fast, and in what direction, ocean winds are
blowing. (10/29)
Two Roads to Mars
(Source: FrontLine)
November will see two interplanetary missions of two space-faring
nations but with incomparable capacities—in terms of availability of
resources, infrastructure, past experience and expertise, widely
different numbers of scientists and institutions engaged in space
science, and hugely disparate financial capacities to absorb
failures—head for Mars.
Interestingly, both missions have planned for their respective
insertions into the Martian orbit on the same date of September 21,
2014. This is because the earth-Mars configuration is such that this is
when the two spacecraft will reach the closest approach to Mars
(periapsis) and will enable easy capture by the planet into its orbit.
For the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), its Mars Orbiter
Mission (MOM), which is slated for launch on Nov. 5, will be a maiden
journey to the red planet. For NASA, whose missions to Mars date back
to 1964, the Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Mission (MAVEN),
which is scheduled for launch on Nov. 18, it will be its 22nd mission.
India is Going to Mars!
But Don’t Call it a Space Race. (Source: Washington Post)
India's upcoming Mars mission is a thumb in the eye of China, whose own
Mars ambitions came apart in 2011 when technical issues forced Beijing
to abandon its launch. But even though India might benefit from beating
China to the red planet, experts say gaining an edge back on Earth is
the last thing scientists at ISRO, India's space agency, have on their
Unlike the space race of the Cold War, where getting to the moon first
held important geopolitical ramifications, India's interest in space —
much like China's — is very closely tied to its economic goals. India's
space program might be obscure to most, but millions of Indians are
beneficiaries of it. Not in the American sense that it's produced fun
inventions like Tang and Velcro, says Dean Cheng, a scholar at the
Heritage Foundation. (10/30)
North Korea Expands
Launch Site (Source: Huffington Post)
North Korea has undertaken major construction work at its main missile
launch site, possibly to cater to larger and more mobile weapons, a US
think-tank said. Satellite images taken earlier this month suggest
construction of a second flat mobile launch pad at the Sohae missile
Work has also been carried out on Sohae's main launch pad, "possibly to
upgrade that facility to handle future larger rockets," the post said.
The pad was used for the launch in December of the North's Unha-3
carrier, which successfully placed a satellite in orbit. (10/29)
Unique Chemical
Composition Surrounding Black Hole (Source: Space Daily)
The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) successfully
captured a detailed image of high density molecular gas around an
active galactic nucleus harboring a supermassive black hole. The
observations at the highest ever achieved reveal a unique chemical
composition characterized by enhancement of hydrogen cyanide (HCN)
around the black hole. (10/30)
Suborbital Spaceport in
Wales Feasible (Source: E&T)
The UK should focus on the nascent sub-orbital spaceflight sector and
become a future hub, opening its own spaceports, if it wants to make
the best out of the emerging technology, think tank believes. Dan Lewis
said that despite the high population density and the extremely dense
air-traffic in its airspace, the UK should seize the opportunity
brought about by companies such as Virgin Galactic, XCOR or Blue Origin.
So far, telecommunications and satellite services have been the most
thriving part of the UK’s space industry, creating more than £1.5bn in
revenues annually. However, this dynamics could soon change, thanks to
the emerging sub-orbital technology. “The next 20 years will be
suborbital, the question is how to dig into these opportunities,” Lewis
Lewis believes there are several locations in the UK offering
favourable conditions to become future sub-orbital space flight hubs.
“We are now examining the options, looking at various airfields. Right
now, we believe the best location could be either in Torquay, Kinloss
or Wales,” he said. (10/30)
Texas County Discusses
SpaceX in Executive Session (Source: Brownsville Herald)
A special meeting of Cameron County Commissioners’ Court that lasted
roughly two hours provided no new details into economic incentive
negotiations with SpaceX. During the meeting, which was mostly in
executive session, commissioners discussed the proposed SpaceX and
Cameron County economic development agreement for the Boca Chica Beach
Spaceport project. (10/30)
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