Russian Duo Begin EVA to Install
Commercial Cameras (Source:
Expedition 38 Commander Oleg Kotov and Flight Engineer Sergey
Ryazanskiy have begun another spacewalk outside of the International
Space Station (ISS), tasked with the installation of photographic and
scientific equipment. The spacewalk follows two US EVAs to replace a
Pump Module to aid the Station’s cooling system.
Kotov and Ryazanskiy – donning their Orlan-MK 6 and 4 spacesuits –
began their EVA by exiting the Pirs airlock at 1pm UTC. This is the
third spacewalk within a week, following the two recent US EVAs. Their
main task is to install a pair of cameras on the Zvezda Service Module
as part of a Canadian commercial endeavor designed to downlink Earth
observation imagery and to refresh experiments. (12/27)
Russian Anti-Gravity
Observation Satellite Delayed Until 2015 (Source: RIA
A Russian satellite to study anti-gravity forces by observing clusters
of galaxies has been delayed until 2015 due to problems with a
German-built telescope, a science official said. The satellite, to view
galaxy-emitted X-rays in an attempt to unlock the secrets of so-called
dark energy, a force believed to propel objects away from one another,
had been previously expected to be launched next year.
However, a sensor on one of the craft’s two telescopes was
malfunctioning, and immediate attempts to fix it revealed that its
circuitry must be completely redesigned, Mikhail Pavlinsky, head of
high-energy astrophysics at the Russian Academy of Sciences, told a
press conference. (12/27)
Year in Review: Dark
Energy Gets More Confusing (Source: Science News)
New measurements of light from distant exploding stars were supposed to
illuminate the dark energy that is pushing the cosmos apart. Instead
they have further shrouded the universe’s fate. Dark energy first made
headlines in 1998, when researchers found that light from faraway
supernovas was dimmer than expected, suggesting that the universe is
expanding at a faster and faster pace.
To explain this acceleration, scientists surmised the existence of dark
energy, which pushes space outward. Most physicists suspect that dark
energy is a form of vacuum energy known as the “cosmological constant”
because its strength never varies. If so, a number called w, which
relates the pressure pushing space apart to the density of dark energy,
must equal –1. But this year, scientists using a powerful new telescope
arrived at a different value for w. By combining the supernova data
with previous results from other studies, the researchers calculated w
to be –1.186. (12/27)
EADS's Astrium Unit May
Be Eclipsed by Costs (Source: Flight Global)
Astrium space division ended 2013 on a note of triumph, with the Gaia
star-mapping satellite it built for the European Space Agency enjoying
a perfect Soyuz launch from the agency’s spaceport in French Guiana.
But the company – which is also prime contractor for ESA’s Ariane 5 and
in-development Ariane 6 rockets, as well as many of the most
sophisticated commercial satellites flying today – faces several months
of uncertainty.
EADS is reorganizing in a bid to boost its
cost-competitiveness amid reduced military spending, by combining
Astrium with its Cassidian defense products unit into a single
division, to be called Airbus Defence and Space. What is known of
EADS’s plans so far is that 5,800 jobs will be cut across Astrium and
Cassidian – about 15% of the pre-shuffle headcount – and that Cassidian
will lose at least one major facility, at Unterschleissheim near
Munich. The impact on Astrium’s facilities and operations remains to be
seen. (12/27)
Fortress Backs New
LightSquared Bankruptcy Exit Plan (Source: Reuters)
LightSquared is proposing a new bankruptcy exit plan with financing
from Fortress Investment Group and other backers, as the U.S. wireless
communications company seeks to avoid a sale to highest bidder Dish
Network Corp. LightSquared would receive $2.75 billion in fresh loans
and at least $1.25 billion in equity investment from private equity
firms Fortress and Melody Capital Advisors LLC, as well as JPMorgan
Chase & Co and Harbinger Capital Partners. Harbinger,
billionaire Philip Falcone's hedge fund, is LightSquared's controlling
shareholder. (12/27)
Kazakhstan Developing
Space Tourism (Source: Tengri)
Kazakhstan-based Diamond Trans has invested about $1 million to start
the Space Harbor project that will feature trade and entertainment
zones, hotels and office space. The project is centered around a glass
dome enabling to observe space launches. The project seeks to ensure
safety and comfort of arriving tourists. The administration of Baikonur
city is considering renting out lands totaling 10 hectares adjacent to
the facility under construction. Russia and Kazakhstan are expected to
sign bulk of documents on space tourism projects early 2014. (12/27)
After Mars Mission, India
Plans Manned Moon Mission (Source: India Today)
The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) and the Ministry of
Defense (MoD) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for a
manned moon mission. The mission comes days after ISRO successfully
launched Rs.450 crore Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM) in November using its
Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV-XL). The MoD has tasked the Indian
Air Force (IAF) to identify the qualitative requirements for the crew.
The Director General of Armed Forces Medical Services is to draw out
the requirements. (12/27)
China's Moon Landing is
Part of a New Space Race by Emerging Nations (Source: LA
While NASA wrestles with budget problems, dozens of countries are
aiming to show the world their technological prowess in space
exploration. China's lunar triumph offered many Americans their first
glimpse at an unfolding new space race involving countries with
emerging economies. Space exploration, once the exclusive domain of the
world's superpowers, is now being undertaken by dozens of nations
aiming to show the world their technological prowess.
Although these countries are still decades behind the United States in
space technology, their push into the cosmos comes at a time when NASA
has been wrestling with budgetary restraints and struggling to achieve
new milestones in space flight. The U.S. must stay at the forefront of
space exploration by helping all countries, including China, advance
their programs, Buzz Aldrin said. An existing law prohibits NASA from
working with China, but Rep. Frank R. Wolf (R-VA), the fiercest
opponent of international cooperation with the country, announced his
retirement this month. (12/27)
China Says Satellite
Network to Be Big Asset, Others Can Use It Too (Source:
homegrown satellite navigation system will bring untold economic,
social and military benefits and other countries in Asia are welcome to
use it, the director of China's satellite navigation agency said. The
year-old Beidou satellite navigation system is a rival to the U.S.
Global Positioning System (GPS) and Russian GLONASS. Beidou's 16
satellites serve the Asia-Pacific but the number of satellites is
expected to grow to 30 by 2020 as coverage expands globally. (12/27)
Brown Dwarfs Star System
May Harbor Nearby Alien Planet (Source:
Astronomers have spotted signs of a possible exoplanet in a nearby
system of twin failed stars. If confirmed, the alien world would be one
of the closest to our sun ever found. Scientists only discovered the
pair of failed stars, known as brown dwarfs, last year. At just 6.6
light-years from Earth, the pair is the third closest system to our
sun. It's actually so close that "television transmissions from 2006
are now arriving there," said Kevin Luhman.
The brown dwarf system, which has been dubbed Luhman 16AB and is
officially classified as WISE J104915.57-531906, is slightly more
distant than Barnard's star, a red dwarf 6 light-years away that was
first seen in 1916. Even closer to our sun is Alpha Centauri, whose two
main stars form a binary pair about 4.4 light-years away. The alien
planet Alpha Centauri Bb is known to orbit one of the stars in the
Alpha Centauri system, and currently holds the title of closest
exoplanet to our solar system. (12/27)
Shiloh Launch Complex is
Set for Federal Review (Source: Orlando Sentinel)
Space Florida's plan to build a state-run launch complex on the
environmentally sensitive fringes of Kennedy Space Center is ready for
its federal and public vetting over possible environmental impacts. At
stake are Florida's plans for a new launch complex marketed to private
rocket companies weighed against environmentalists' hopes that the
Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge will be forever protected.
To compete for the growing private satellite launching business that
has migrated overseas in recent decades, Space Florida, a
public-private agency, wants to carve out about 200 acres known as the
Shiloh site and build two state-of-the-art rocket launch complexes on
60 of those acres. The property is owned by NASA but managed as part of
the wildlife refuge.
Space Florida expects a new launch center could be largely free of much
of the federal red tape and the competing national priorities that can
bog down private launches from the nearby KSC or from Cape Canaveral
Air Force Station launch complexes. It's also close enough to the old
KSC space shuttle landing strip, which Space Florida also is seeking to
acquire, that the agency thinks companies could use them together.
Visitor Complex Offers
Best Viewing for SpaceX Launch (Source: KSCVC)
A Falcon 9 rocket will light up skies on the east coast during a
dramatic SpaceX liftoff scheduled for Friday, Jan. 3. Kennedy Space
Center Visitor Complex guests may view the dusk launch from the
Apollo/Saturn V Center, the closest possible public viewing area, or
special areas at the Visitor Complex. (12/26)
Eleven Great Space
Moments Of 2013 (Source: Forbes)
It’s an impossible task to distill everything that humans have done,
seen, and learned about in space in the year 2013, but here are eleven
notable stories from the final frontier that will still be remembered
in the decades to come. Click here.
A Successful Year for
U.S. Launch Providers as New Vehicles Debut (Source:
Parabolic Arc)
It has been a busy year for American rocket companies, with 19
successful missions flown by the nation’s three launch providers. The
U.S. space transportation fleet became more diverse as three boosters
and a cargo vessel made successful maiden flights in 2013. Launch
highlights for the year include a number of significant missions and
firsts. Click here.
Lockheed Martin Goes
Dutch to Mars (Source: The Sentinel)
A Dutch nonprofit company looking to establish a permanent human
settlement on Mars has chosen local aerospace giant Lockheed Martin to
help accomplish the mission. Mars One, founded by Bas Landsorp and Arno
Wielders of the Netherlands, is looking to launch a rover to the red
planet in 2018 to study the feasibility for a human settlement.
Lockheed Martin is charged with developing a mission concept study for
the Mars lander spacecraft, which will be based on the 2007 NASA
Phoenix spacecraft. For the Phoenix mission, Lockheed designed, built,
tested and operated the lander for NASA. For the Mars One lander study,
Lockheed will evaluate the applicability of the design for the Mars One
mission and identify any modifications that are necessary to meet their
requirements. Lockheed will also provide cost and schedule estimates.
How is Global Warming
Affecting Precipitation? (Source: CSM)
The United States and Japan are getting set to launch a 4.3-ton
satellite designed to monitor rain and snowfall in unprecedented
detail. The agencies announced on Thursday that they have scheduled the
launch for Feb. 28, 2014, from Japan's Tanegashima Space Center on an
island off the southern tip of the larger island of Kyushu.
The spacecraft, the Global Precipitation Monitoring (GPM) satellite,
has been designed as the centerpiece of an international squadron of
nine satellites that are already on orbit. The data the new satellite
will gather not only will feed unique information into current efforts
to forecast weather and monitor the effects of global warming on
precipitation. (12/26)
Mars Express to Make
Daredevil Flyby of Phobos (Source: Discovery)
In a daredevil flyby, the European Mars Express satellite will buzz
Phobos, the red planet’s largest of two moons. The orbiter will come
within 45 kilometers (28 miles) of its surface. But there’s a catch —
this isn’t a photo opportunity. Coming so close to Phobos without
taking photos may sound like forgetting to pack your camera before an
expedition to the Serengeti, but as the flyby will be so low and so
fast, any attempt at photography would look like a blurred mess. So the
flyby will instead be used as a prime opportunity to accurately measure
Phobos’ gravitational field. (12/26)
Russian Communications
Satellite Launched by Proton (Source: SpaceFlight Now)
A Proton rocket fired away from the snow-covered Baikonur Cosmodrome in
Kazakhstan on Thursday, commencing a lengthy nine-hour mission to
deploy a Russian civil communications satellite. Liftoff of the
workhorse Russian rocket from the Central Asia launch base was at
5:49:56 a.m. EST, marking the final satellite launch of the year,
according to published manifests. (12/26)
Test Launch of Russia's
Smaller Soyuz Rocket by Year-End (Source: Voice of Russia)
A state commission working at the Plesetsk Cosmodrome may decide to
conduct the first test launch of Russia's new Soyuz-2.1v light-class
carrier rocket in 2013 instead of 2014, as it was planned earlier, a
cosmodrome source has said. "The state commission's session
has been set for this afternoon. A decision may be made at it to
conduct the rocket's launch within the next two days," the source said.
Russia Bets on Sweeping
Reform to Revive Ailing Space Industry (Source: Reuters)
From rocket-shaped playground equipment to faded murals of cosmonauts,
mementos of the heyday of Soviet space exploration are scattered around
this sandswept town that launched Yuri Gagarin into orbit in 1961. When
President Vladimir Putin described the space port on the remote Kazakh
steppe as "physically aged" in April, he could have been speaking about
Russia's space industry itself.
In Baikonur as elsewhere, the once-pioneering sector is struggling to
live up to its legacy, end an embarrassing series of botched launches,
modernize decaying infrastructure and bring in new blood and new ideas.
Putin hopes a sweeping reform he signed off on this month will not come
too late to turn the industry around - part of a push to make Russia a
high-technology superpower by salvaging leading Cold War-era industries
and research centers. (12/26)
Russia Boosting
Production of Engines for Russia's Rockets (Source:
The Voronezh Mechanical Plant (VMP) - a leading enterprise of the
Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center, in 2013
increased the production of items for carrier rockets by 12.4 percent.
The enterprise in the outgoing year has produced liquid-propellant
engines for the Proton and Soyuz carrier rockets, the Energia upper
stage, as well as the combustion chamber for the Angara carrier rocket
to a total worth of 3.2 billion roubles.
A total of 20 various carrier rockets with engines made by the VMP have
been launched in the outgoing year, Koptev said. In the sphere of
civilian manufacturing, the enterprise’s output on the year results
remains the same - 1.4 billion roubles. In addition to output growth,
the average monthly wage at the plant had increased by 15 percent to
reach 25,000 roubles. And the number of personnel remained the same -
6,500 people, he added. (12/26)
Federation Council
Approves Law on ERA-GLONASS System (Source: Itar-Tass)
The Federation Council on Wednesday approved a federal law on the state
automated information system ERA-GLONASS. For the present, the Russian
legislation does not define mechanisms to use satellite navigation
technologies to ensure road traffic safety.
The law approved on Wednesday regulates relations in the creation and
functioning of the system of urgent operation in emergencies with the
use of the Russian global navigation satellite system. The system is
used to immediately receive information about traffic accidents and
send it to duty services, including police. (12/26)
UK Bolsters Defenses
Against Crippling Solar Storms (Source: Nature)
Christmas dinner by candlelight might seem quaint and appealing, but
the possibility of days without satellite communications and power —
let alone the television and the means to reheat the leftovers — are
more alarming. The UK government has announced plans to fund a new
space-weather forecasting service in an effort to lessen the effects of
such disaster scenarios.
Run by the Met Office, the service would provide an early warning for
businesses and services that are likely to be affected by severe space
weather — changes in environmental conditions that result when magnetic
storms in the Sun's atmosphere release streams of energetic particles
into space. (12/26)
Launch of H-IIA Launch
Vehicle Planned for February (Source: JAXA)
Mitsubishi and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) will
launch the H-IIA Launch Vehicle No. 23 (H-IIA F23) with the Global
Precipitation Measurement (GPM) core observatory onboard on Feb. 28. To
capitalize on the excess launch capability of the H-IIA F23, we will
also provide launch and orbit injection opportunities for seven small
secondary payloads (piggyback payloads). (12/26)
Don't Discount China's
Space Prowess (Source: CNN)
Earlier this week on News Stream, I had the pleasure to talk with
former NASA astronaut Leroy Chiao. I was particularly riveted by his
comments on China's space program. China's first moon rover is still
exploring the lunar surface, capping off a big year for China's space
program. Many pundits have pointed out that China is now doing what the
United States already accomplished some 50 years ago. So how truly
impressive are China's space achievements?
"I heard that argument a lot and frankly I think it's short-sighted,"
Chiao tells me. "Sure we went back to the moon over 45 years ago, but
the fact is we can't do it today." Chiao goes on to say: "China's tech
sophistication is very impressive to me. I've been over to see their
space center and their space hardware. What they're lacking is
operational experience." (12/26)
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