UF Team Awaits Contact
with SwampSat Mini Satellite (Source: Daytona Beach
Norm Fitz-Coy and two of the graduate students running the SwampSat
project at the University of Florida check their computers and consult
with a giant TV screen projecting a map of Earth dotted with several
yellow squares representing satellites. SwampSat is out there somewhere.
The aerospace professor and his team have been trying to make contact
with the wayward satellite since its launch last month. A single
parabolic line bisects the blue screen — indicting where SwampSat
should be in its orbit the next time it passes over Gainesville. A
single parabolic line bisects the blue screen — indicting where
SwampSat should be in its orbit the next time it passes over
Gainesville. “We haven’t made contact yet,” Fitz-Coy says and shrugs.
“That’s natural.” Click here.
University of Michigan
Crowdfunds Cubesat Plasma Thruster Experiment (Source:
The University of Michigan successfully crowdfunded their Cubesat
Ambipolar Thruster on Kickstarter today, securing nearly $96,800 in
funding. According to the project lead, Ben Longmier, this
funding will be enough to install a more finessed thruster design on
the test cubesats that will result in greater efficiency and longer
mission duration. (12/22)
Space Exploration Can
Bring Technological Advances to Benefit Mankind (Source:
Global Times)
China has scored huge success as its Chang'e-3 spacecraft deployed the
Yutu rover on the moon, exerting enormous influence upon the nation and
the world at large, as well as enlightening people with more profound
knowledge of the significance of lunar exploration activities in the
realms of science, technology, economics, politics and society.
Because lunar exploration calls for intensive integration of
sophisticated technologies, the Chang'e-3 mission has driven the
development of technologies, including new energy conversion, new
materials, photoelectrons and telecommunications, which have already
been or will be applied to the national economy and defense industries.
There is no denying that lunar exploration technologies and
accomplishments will benefit mankind. Click here.
Spaceport Marks More New
Mexico Milestones (Source: Albuquerque Journal)
What an incredible journey we are on. We are witnessing the dawn of
space travel for humanity. The people of New Mexico took a leap of
faith in 2007 and made an enormous investment in this bold new venture.
At the time, there were few with the vision that New Mexicans had.
Today, as we are propelled forward, many others are joining around the
world – but we were among the first. So what have we accomplished so
far? Click here.
Colorado Faces Long
Battle to Get Spaceport Built (Source: Denver Post)
As early as 2014, Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber, Ashton Kutcher and
Brangelina will board a plane, climb 50,000 feet and break the sound
barrier on their way to experiencing zero gravity in space. Until
recently, this idea of spaceport hubs launching space planes — much
like airports launch jets — was considered farfetched. But now, two
states are operating spaceports, and the first Virgin Galactic manned
trip is expected to launch next year at Spaceport America in New Mexico.
While those facilities burst with aerospace research and suborbital
test flights, Colorado still faces a long, uphill battle in its own
spaceport aspirations. First, Colorado must win the FAA's approval of
its proposed site at Front Range Airport, which seven states have
already received. The state has several strengths working in its favor:
It has the second-largest number of aerospace workers in the nation,
boasts robust research institutions and has a governor and
congressional delegation that supports the initiative. (12/22)
Spacewalking Astronauts
Remove Faulty Pump Ahead of Schedule (Source: Space.com)
Two astronauts working speedily outside the International Space Station
removed a faulty pump module ahead of schedule, potentially negating
the need for a planned Christmas Day spacewalk as they work to repair
the outpost’s critical cooling system. (12/21)
Space Suit Issue Prompts
Delay of Second Spacewalk (Source: AP)
Astronauts removed an old space station pump Saturday, sailing through
the first of a series of urgent repair spacewalks to revive a crippled
cooling line. The two Americans on the crew, Rick Mastracchio and
Michael Hopkins, successfully pulled out the ammonia pump with a bad
valve __ well ahead of schedule. That task had been planned for the
next spacewalk, originally scheduled for Monday but now delayed until
Tuesday, Christmas Eve, because of the need for a suit swap.
Several hours after Saturday's spacewalk ended, Mission Control bumped
spacewalk 2 to Tuesday to give Mastracchio enough time to prepare a
spare suit. His original suit was compromised when he inadvertently
turned on a water switch in the air lock at the end of Saturday's
excursion. NASA officials said Saturday night that it's unclear whether
a third spacewalk will be needed and when it might occur, if required.
After Mars, India to
Secure Place on Sun (Source: Indian Express)
Basking in the glory of the successful launch of the Mars Orbiter
Mission, India has put its maiden mission to the sun titled Aditya-1 on
a more ambitious track. Scientists of the Indian Space Research
Organisation (ISRO) have decided to upgrade the satellite from being a
single payload, designed to study the sun’s outer layer, to now include
five payloads that would study the sun more closely to see how it
impacts the earth.
The solar mission would put India in the elite club that currently has
only two members-the Europe Space Agency and USA’s National Aeronautics
and Space Administration (NASA). Icing on the cake would be that
earlier the solar mission was a collaborative effort between the
European and US agencies, while the Indian mission would be an
individual effort – ISRO with a shoestring budget is matching its well
endowed counterparts. (12/22)
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