Wilson: Why I’m Directing
The Air Force to Focus on Space (Source: Defense One)
For the service that I once served and now lead, one of the most
important tasks ahead is getting space operations right.
In many respects, the Air Force and the nation are at a critical
crossroads. We realize, as do our potential adversaries, that space is
interconnected to American life and to U.S. military success. The time
is now to integrate, elevate, and normalize space in the Air Force and
thus assure continued American dominance in this most critical domain.
We will do this systematically and doggedly, drawing lessons from
earlier periods in which airmen created the resources, tools, and
tradecraft to assure freedom of access and freedom of operation for the
U.S. military writ large. Today, we begin the process of standing up a
new organization at the Pentagon that will be responsible for
recruiting, training and equipping airmen involved in the space
mission. The establishment of the deputy chief of staff for space
operations is the next step toward ensuring that we maintain space
superiority. (6/16)
NASA's Wild Fabric is
Basically Chain Mail From the Future (Source: WIRED)
At $10,000 per pound to orbit, it pays to keep things light. To
minimize the weight of its payload, NASA has experimented with
inflatable materials that can balloon into habitats, and tangles of
lightweight rods that can shift shape on different terrains. Now,
designers at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory have developed a foldable
fabric that could pull triple duty during outer space missions.
Researchers at JPL spent the last two years developing a metallic space
fabric made of interlocking stainless steel squares. It looks like
chain mail, but unlike the ancient armor, NASA’s fabric isn’t welded
together. Instead a 3-D printer extrudes stainless steel as a
continuous sheet of material with different properties on each side.
Click here.
NewSpace Thinking -
Arianespace Valuation: $500 Million. Rocket Lab: $1 Billion
(Source: Space Intel Report)
You know the power of New Space and the New Economy — as ideas, if not
as business models — has reached a high-water mark when the former
director-general of the European Space Agency seeks to explain the fact
that a startup launch operator has a higher market valuation than
Europe’s Arianespace.
Jean-Jacques Dordain, who is now on the advisory board for the
Luxembourg government’s space-mining initiative, spaceresources.lu, did
not defend the fact the valuations themselves, but rather to defend
their ultimate value to society. “This is the characteristic of the New
Economy, to invest in businesses of the future, not in current
businesses,” Dordain said.
“It’s extraordinary that we assign a much higher value to future
businesses than than to current business. Take the company Rocket Lab.
It has conducted one launch, which was a failure. It has been valued at
$1 billion. “Arianespace, which launches 10-12 times per year with
success, is valued at much less than $1 billion as we saw from the sale
of shares between CNES and Airbus. We assign more value to a business’s
perspectives than to its current value. And space is not an exception
to this rule.” (6/16)
Musk Promises Update on
Mars Plan – Including How He’ll Fund It (Source: GeekWire)
The newly published print version, appearing on the New Space website,
recaps Musk’s 95-minute talk at the International Astronautical
Congress in Mexico last September – during which he laid out a
decades-long plan to develop and launch fleets of giant spaceships to
Mars, each carrying 100 passengers at a time.
The presentation has been online in video form for months, with
accompanying slides, but the text-plus-graphics version is arguably
easier to scan and digest. It’ll be available for free through July 5,
after which time it’ll presumably be downloadable for a fee in the
range of $51. Click here.
The Bandwidth Black Hole
That Will Kill Elon Musk’s Mars Dream (Source: New
SpaceX's Mars dreams are in jeopardy because of a little-known problem:
the deteriorating communications infrastructure between Mars and Earth.
This set-up could be inoperative as soon the mid-2020s, leaving us
unable to launch the next generation of landers and rovers, let alone
get any useful scientific information from them. We need to get serious
about building the interplanetary internet or, instead of colonizing a
new planet, we’ll be going nowhere fast.
To understand the problem, consider what happens when communications
come from Mars today. A rover usually sends it first to one of the five
spacecraft orbiting the planet, which then relay the information to the
Deep Space Network on Earth. This set of three facilities, each with an
array of at least four antennae, is strategically placed around our
planet so that any spacecraft can always communicate with at least one
Using this system to send a single, high-definition colour image from
Mars to Earth takes at least 30 minutes. One 22-minute video will take
nearly six days to transmit – and that’s assuming that no competing
information, like scientific instructions or requests for emergency
medical assistance, needs to be relayed at the same time. (6/16)
Budget Proposal Fails to
Recognize NASA’s Growing Importance to Nation (Source:
Space News)
Vice President Pence stressed the importance of NASA’s work to inspire
young people and demonstrate American leadership to the world and
pledged that “NASA will have the resources and support needed to
continue to make history, to push the boundaries of human knowledge,
and advance American leadership to the boundless frontier of space.”
We applaud Vice President Pence’s support for a great NASA, and
industry stands ready to work to assure that NASA can meet this bold
vision for American space leadership. Unfortunately, the
administration’s FY2018 budget request seeks to cut NASA by more than
$560 million and then hold spending flat through 2022, further eroding
NASA’s buying power from levels that are already below those of the
1990s. This budget fails to address NASA’s growing — not shrinking —
importance to our nation. (6/16)
French Startup Raises
$1.9 Million for Smallsat Electric Propulsion (Source:
Space News)
A pair of French entrepreneurs have raised 1.7 million euros ($1.9
million) for a new electric propulsion system to address the small
satellite market. ThrustMe, a startup formed in February, raised the
money from Kima Ventures and a collection of U.S. and European angel
investors in order to fund a technology demonstration in the next 18
months. The startup also plans to use the funding to double its
headcount to 14 and to secure customers. (6/16)
It’s Time to Explore
Uranus and Neptune Again — and Here's How NASA Could Do It
(Source: The Verge)
A group of researchers from NASA and various US universities have come
up with plans to explore two of the least visited planets in our Solar
System: Uranus and Neptune. That’s because compared to the other worlds
in our cosmic neighborhood, these ice giants have been sorely neglected.
To fix that, researchers released a report this week detailing four
different types of missions that could be sent to Uranus and Neptune
sometime in the next decade or so. The concepts include vehicles that
could orbit the planets for 10 to 15 years and even carry probes to
dive into the worlds’ atmospheres. The main focus of each mission would
be to figure out what the planets are made of — and how their interiors
are structured. Click here.
Space Station Welcomes
Food and Supplies from Russian Ship (Source: Space.com)
A robotic Russian cargo ship arrived at the International Space Station
Friday (June 16), delivering tons of fresh food and other supplies for
the orbiting lab's crew. The Progress 67 spacecraft linked up with the
space station in a smooth docking at 7:37 a.m. EDT as both vehicles
sailed 258 miles over the Philippine Sea. (6/16)
Classified Satellite
Swings Close to ISS (Source: Ars Technica)
A close pass of the International Space Station by a classified
satellite remains a mystery. USA 273 was launched May 1 on a SpaceX
Falcon 9, and amateur satellite trackers noticed its orbit brought the
spacecraft to as little as 4.4 kilometers from the station on June 3.
Neither NASA nor the National Reconnaissance Office, which operates USA
273, have commented on whether the close flyby was deliberate or a
coincidence. (6/14)
KSC's Cabana Set for
Senate Hearing (Source: Senate Commerce Committee)
KSC Director Robert Cabana and SpaceX President Gwynne Shotwell will be
among the witnesses at a Senate hearing next week. The hearing,
scheduled for the afternoon of June 21, will focus on partnerships
between the government and the private sector "to advance exploration
and settlement."
Other witnesses include Tim Ellis, the co-founder and CEO of launch
vehicle startup Relativity; Moriba Jah, a space situational awareness
expert at the University of Texas; and Jeffrey Manber, CEO of
NanoRacks. The hearing is the third in a series by the Senate's space
subcommittee on commercial space issues. (6/15)
Is the Earth-Observation
Industry Consolidating, or Just Evolving? (Source: Space
Do three events constitute a trend? For many in the Earth-observation
industry, the answer seems to be yes. Three deals in less than three
months appeared to herald a new wave of consolidation among both
established companies and startups. It started in early February when
Google announced it was selling its Terra Bella satellite imaging
company — originally known as Skybox Imaging — to Planet for an
undisclosed sum.
Three weeks later, Canada’s MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates (MDA)
announced it was acquiring DigitalGlobe, itself the product of the
merger of other remote sensing companies, for $2.4 billion. Two months
later, in a far smaller deal, EagleView Technologies announced it was
buying OmniEarth. (6/14)
How One Company Wants to
Recycle Used Rockets Into Deep-Space Habitats (Source: The
As NASA works toward sending people into deep space, the agency is
looking for new types of space habitats that astronauts can live in far
from Earth. One company, Nanoracks, has a design idea in mind — but
rather than build something completely new, the company has a bold plan
to recycle space hardware to create living quarters. Their plan: turn
used rocket tanks into suitable places for deep-space explorers to live.
And now, Nanoracks has signed a contract with NASA to start turning
this habitat concept into reality. Last summer, the company was one of
six picked to be part of the second round of NASA’s NextSTEP program,
an initiative to create concepts and ground prototypes of novel
deep-space habitats. Now with a finalized contract, Nanoracks can get
to work on developing its concept, called Ixion, and eventually turning
a spent rocket tank into a habitat that can then be tested out in
space. (6/15)
The State of Planetary
and Space Sciences in Africa (Source: EOS)
Africa has an enormous potential to provide insights into planetary and
space sciences, but it has remained largely untapped. Fostering a new
generation of scientists promises far-reaching benefits. Click here.
Kamaz Truck Driver Dies
in Fire at Rocket Stage Drop Zone (Source: Tass)
The driver of a Kamaz truck operated by Russia’s NPO Mashinostroyenia
rocket-and-space enterprise has died while extinguishing a fire in the
Kazakh steppe, which erupted at the drop zone of the stages of the
Russian Soyuz-2.1a carrier rocket, the Roscomos Space Corporation
reported on Thursday.
"According to the available information, the Kamaz truck driver, an
employee of JSC NPO Mashinostroyenia, has died while extinguishing the
fire. JSC NPO Mashinostroyenia (not affiliated to Roscosmos) oversees
maintenance of the drop zones. The fire engulfed the Kamaz vehicle
after a particularly strong gust of wind," says a report obtained by
TASS. (6/15)
Space Debris is More Than
a Nuisance; it’s a Borderline Violation of International Agreement
(Source: Space News)
Despite all the discussion about orbital debris, there hasn’t been much
analysis of whether established rules and agreements are being violated
by spacefaring countries that create the debris. This isn’t surprising
since it is primarily the spacefaring countries that set these
boundaries in the first place. Still, spacefaring countries that create
debris and make no effort to remove it are, at best, negligent in their
obligations, and at worst, in violation of their own commitments.
Article VIII of the Outer Space Treaty provides that a state “shall
retain jurisdiction” and control over its objects. In sum, a state that
has launched an object into space will always own and be responsible
for that object. In addition, the Outer Space Treaty points to
additional principled obligations against the creation of space debris.
Click here.
Students and Educators
Become Rocket Scientists for a Week at NASA Wallops
(Source: SpaceRef)
Have you wondered what it would be like to be a real rocket scientist?
Approximately 150 university and community college students and
instructors and high school educators will get that chance during
Rocket Week June 17 through 23 at NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility in
Nearly 130 university and community college students and instructors
from across the country will build and fly experiments on a NASA
suborbital rocket through the RockOn! and RockSat-C programs. Another
20 high school educators from across the United States will examine how
to apply rocketry basics into their curriculum through the Wallops
Rocket Academy for Teachers (WRATs). (6/14)
Florida Company
Encouraged by Results of ISS Agri-Biotech Research
(Source: ZGSI)
Zero Gravity Solutions, a South Florida agricultural biotechnology
company, announced favorable results from their initial educational
research experiment using the BAM-FX micronutrient product on the
International Space Station (ISS). A second educational experiment
utilizing BAM-FX, launched to the ISS aboard the SpaceX 11 Cargo
Mission to the International Space Station on June 3, 2017 has reached
the ISS.
The second experiment, currently on board the ISS, incorporates
hardware designed by the team of Valley Christian High School students,
contains dried filter paper impregnated with a plant growth solution,
with and without BAM-FX, to which broccoli seeds were affixed. These
filters were rehydrated on command once safely in orbit on the ISS.
Click here.
Navy Veteran Discovers
Rare NASA, Spy Drone Photos in Trash (SourcE:
Yvette Quinn was convinced the list of aerospace engineers she
discovered in a neighbor’s trash a few weeks ago was solid gold for
international con men. The Navy veteran said she was concerned because
the list of scientists had secret and top secret clearance along with
their Social Security numbers in plain view.
Charles Jeffrey, a top space flight memorabilia appraiser for the
American Space Museum in Titusville, Florida, said the find of the
Gemini – Titan II press manual and the Titan manual tucked away in the
stacks of photos was “history.” “Yeah, you have history,” Jeffrey said.
“They were designing some of the very first unmanned aircraft drones.”
Click here.
NASA Prepares for Future
Space Exploration with International Undersea Crew
(Source: Space Daily)
NASA will send an international crew to the floor of the Atlantic Ocean
this summer to prepare for future deep space missions during the 10-day
NASA Extreme Environment Mission Operations (NEEMO) 22 expedition
slated to begin June 18.
NEEMO 22 will focus on both exploration spacewalks and objectives
related to the International Space Station and deep space missions. As
an analogue for future planetary science concepts and strategies,
marine science also will be performed under the guidance of Florida
International University's marine science department. (6/14)
Russian Billionaire in
Hong Kong Touts World’s First Space Nation Asgardia
(Source: South China Morning Post)
More than 28,000 Chinese, including over 1,000 Hongkongers, have joined
the “world’s first space nation” founded by a Russian billionaire and
scientist. Named “Asgardia” after the city of skies in Norse mythology,
the unusual project is backed by a group of scientists keen to create
an independent nation outside existing political and legal frameworks.
Click here.
Trudeau Under Pressure to
Reject China Bid for Satellite Firm (Source: Space Daily)
Pressure ratcheted up Tuesday on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's
government to effectively deny a Chinese firm's purchase of Canadian
satellite communications company Norsat, over national security
Its purchase by Hytera Communications was approved earlier this month,
after a routine security analysis. But since then, opposition parties,
two former Canadian spy masters and a US congressional commission have
raised concerns over the sale, which was put on hold Monday after a US
hedge fund came forward with an unsolicited rival bid. (6/13)
Mars Mania is Completely
Rational (Source: Space News)
In April, NASA’s robotic probe Cassini attracted widespread media
coverage as it neared the end of its expedition of Saturn and its
moons. While NASA celebrates the remarkable success of Cassini, it is
hard not to look towards the future and ask, ‘what’s next?’
For the White House, the answer remains Mars. Recently, President
Donald Trump showed his enthusiastic support for NASA’s mission to the
red planet during a call with astronaut Peggy Whitson, boldly
declaring, “we want to try and do it during my first term.” But, beyond
the impossibility of such a near-term goal, is there sufficient
motivation for a manned mission to Mars? Click here.
China Launches X-Ray
Space Telescope to Study Black Holes (Source: Gadgets)
China successfully launched on Thursday its first X-ray space telescope
to study black holes, pulsars and gamma-ray bursts, state media
reported. A Long March-4B rocket carried the 2.5-tonne telescope into
orbit from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center. The Hard X-ray
Modulation Telescope (HXMT), named Insight, will allow Chinese
scientists to observe magnetic fields and the interiors of pulsars and
better understand the evolution of black holes. (6/15)
Suborbital Space Race?
Virgin and Blue Will Get There When They Get There (Source:
Space News)
There are a few things a would-be suborbital space tourist must have.
One, obviously, is a bank account large enough to afford the six-figure
ticket price for a spaceflight. He or she also needs a tolerance of the
risks inherent in spaceflight and be in at least decent health to
handle the g-forces of launch and reentry. Perhaps most importantly,
though, a space tourist needs patience.
More than a decade ago, Virgin Galactic started selling tickets for
suborbital flights of SpaceShipTwo, still in its early phases of
development. They started with a group of 100 customers, called
“Founders,” who paid $200,000 up front. Among those Founders is Namira
Salim, a Pakistani-born artist and adventurer who has traveled to both
the North and South Poles.
Neither Salim nor any other Founder customers have flown to space yet.
However, Salim is not impatient. “Yes, it has taken a bit longer,” she
said in an interview in Washington in May after an event by her
foundation, Space Trust. “I’ve never complained because, you know, we
have to do it right.” Click here.
Women Have Advantages As
Astronauts, But History Gives Men A Head Start (Source:
Aviation Week)
NASA has selected another class of astronauts, some of them young
enough to be assigned a mission to Mars if the U.S. space agency
maintains anything like its announced schedule for pushing human
exploration into deep space. All of them are impressive, and if past is
prologue almost all of them will be up for whatever the job throws at
them. As has been the case with every group of U.S. astronauts but one,
there are more men than women. (6/14)
Spat Threatens China’s
Plans to Build World’s Largest Telescope (Source: Science)
China's astronomers are united in wanting a world-class giant optical
telescope, one that would serve notice that they are ready to compete
on the global stage. But a squabble has opened up over the telescope's
design. On one side is an established engineering team, led by a
veteran optics expert responsible for the nation's largest existing
telescope, that is eager to push ahead with an ambitious design.
On the other are astronomers reveling in a grassroots priority-setting
exercise—unprecedented for China—who have doubts about the ambitious
design and favor something simpler.
Now, a panel of international experts has reviewed the designs and come
out squarely in favor of the simpler proposal, according to a copy of
the review obtained by Science. But the conclusion has not ended what
one Chinese astronomer calls "an epic battle" between the high-ranking
engineers accustomed to top-down control over projects and the nascent
grassroots movement. (6/15)
Mistaken Brown Dwarf is
Actually Two Planets Orbiting Each Other (Source: New
Finding massive planets is nothing new these days. But finding them
orbiting each other instead of orbiting a star is unprecedented. An
object initially thought to be a single brown dwarf is actually a pair
of giant worlds. It’s not yet clear how this binary system formed, but
the discovery may help redefine the line between planets and brown
dwarfs – failed stars with tens of times the mass of Jupiter.
This pair of planets is made up of two balls of gas the size of Jupiter
but almost four times more massive, separated by some 600 million
kilometres, and slowly circling each other once per century or so. The
young couple only emits light at infrared wavelengths, with residual
heat from their formation, just 10 million years ago. (6/15)
New Evidence That All
Stars are Born in Pairs (Source: Phys.org)
Did our sun have a twin when it was born 4.5 billion years ago? Almost
certainly yes—though not an identical twin. And so did every other
sunlike star in the universe, according to a new analysis. Many stars
have companions, including our nearest neighbor, Alpha Centauri, a
triplet system. Astronomers have long sought an explanation.
Are binary and triplet star systems born that way? Did one star capture
another? Do binary stars sometimes split up and become single stars?
Astronomers have even searched for a companion to our sun, a star
dubbed Nemesis because it was supposed to have kicked an asteroid into
Earth's orbit that collided with our planet and exterminated the
dinosaurs. It has never been found.
The new assertion is based on a radio survey of a giant molecular cloud
filled with recently formed stars in the constellation Perseus, and a
mathematical model that can explain the Perseus observations only if
all sunlike stars are born with a companion. (6/15)
VAFB Set to Host First
West Coast Launch with Automated Safety System (Source:
Santa Maria Times)
A first-of-its-kind launch is set to take place this month from
Vandenberg Air Force Base. A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket, carrying a set of
Iridium NEXT satellites, is slated to blast off from VAFB’s Space
Launch Complex-4 on June 25. The launch will be the first under Col.
Michael Hough, the new commander of VAFB’s 30th Space Wing, and it will
also be the first from the West Coast utilizing an Autonomous Flight
Safety System (AFSS), which is expected to decrease launch costs and
offer improved safety.
Along with assumed increased safety, the AFSS is also able to support
multiple crafts in simultaneous flight, which is anticipated to be
significant as companies build rockets with the intention of landing
multiple boosters. The system also significantly cuts infrastructure
costs and creates faster launch turnarounds by requiring fewer
instruments. (6/15)
Musk Reveals Vision for a
SpaceX City on Mars (Source: Newsweek)
Elon Musk has revealed his vision for what a SpaceX city on Mars would
look like, saying he wants people to believe setting up a colony on the
Red Planet will be possible within our lifetimes. Musk has discussed
the possibility of creating a human settlement on Mars for several
years. SpaceX is currently planning to send a robotic mission to Mars
by 2024, and says that manned missions could begin as early as
2024--long before NASA’s projected timescale of the early 2030s. Click here.
Planetary Resources
Pivots Again (Source: Parabolic Arc)
You might recall that last June the company announced it had raised a
Series A round of funding totaling $21.1 million for an
Earth-observation project called Ceres. The constellation of satellites
would monitor ground targets using the infrared and hyperspectral
In the five years since the company came out of stealth mode, it has
pivoted from focusing on asteroid missions to remote sensing and now
back to asteroid missions. Planetary Resources main financial backer
and partner is the government of Luxembourg, a postage stamp-size
country that doesn’t have a lot of use for natural resource monitoring,
but is very interested in asteroid mining. (6/15)
States Bet On Spaceports,
Future Economic Benefits (Source: Forbes)
Spaceports are popping up over the country as private companies bet on
a surge in commercial spaceflight and equally eager states maneuver to
make room for them. The FAA’s Office of Commercial Space Transportation
has licensed 10 spaceports in seven states since 1996 — two in
California, two in Florida, two in Texas and one each in Oklahoma,
Alaska, New Mexico and Virginia.
According to the FAA, any U.S. citizen or entity can apply for a
spaceport, or what it characterizes as a “launch and reentry site.” In
evaluating applications, the FAA determines whether proposed spaceports
would jeopardize public health and safety, property, national security,
foreign policy interests or U.S. international obligations.
The administration stresses that it “does not provide any incentives
towards generation of spaceport proposals, nor does the FAA make any
proactive determinations of where spaceports should be located.” In
recent years, spaceports have been supported by state governments that
have offered tax incentives and investment, as well as new laws that
allow for the growth of the commercial spaceflight industry. Click here.
Florida Aerospace
Workshop Sets Course to Develop 21st Century Talent Pipeline
(Source: EDC of Florida's Space Coast)
On May 24, more than 50 industry, education, government, regional,
state and national stakeholders gathered at the Cape Canaveral
Spaceport to forge a collaborative model to lead an effort ensuring
regional employers have access to the talent needed to scale their
businesses now and in the future.
While Florida is home to one of the nation’s most robust STEM graduate
student pipelines; the fast-paced growth of the aerospace and defense
industry, both nationally and locally, provides a unique opportunity to
the Space Coast community and business leadership to resolve an
emerging challenge within the sector.
“A workforce that meets the present and future needs of Space Coast
employers is our core mission and in a world where competition for
technical talent is intense, we need to be sure we drive innovative
programs that build Brevard’s talent pipeline and create opportunities
for area residents,” said Marci Murphy, president of CareerSource
Brevard. Immediate next steps are for the aerospace workshop
participants to identify specific strategies, with particular focus on
apprenticeships, internships and university co-ops; and to identify
funding sources to support the efforts. (6/15)
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