August 24 News Items

US-Russia Chill Threatens NASA Space Program (Source: AFP)
The chill left on US-Russian relations by Moscow's military incursion into Georgia could spell problems for future US access to the International Space Station, US experts said. NASA will become dependent on flights to the Space Station by Russia's Soyuz spacecraft when it retires the shuttle fleet in 2010. That leaves the needs of US astronauts visiting the Station vulnerable to the possibility of a new Cold War between Washington and Moscow after Russia's powerful military overran much of Georgia two weeks ago in the dispute over South Ossetia. (8/24)

Buzz Aldrin Backs Rancatore in Space Coast Congressional Primary (Source:
Apollo 11 Astronaut Buzz Aldrin has planted his foot into the Democratic primary for Florida's 15th District in Congress by backing pilot Paul Rancatore. In a release, Aldrin stated that Rancatore, a Vero Beach resident, understands the needs of the space program. "Paul can build on his experience and create a partnership with the Department of Defense, NASA and industry to develop new aerospace innovations that will not only improve national security but provide springboards for a varying array of technological and economic opportunities," Aldrin stated. Rancatore is challenging Steve Blythe, a Melbourne physician, in the Aug. 26 primary. (8/24)

Buzz Aldrin Markets Memorabilia at Fan Expo to Boost Retirement Income (Source: Canadian Press)
Amid all the sci-fi celebrations and intergalactic talk at last weekend's Fan Expo pop culture extravaganza, there was one icon for whom space has been more than just a thing in books, film or TV. Astronaut Edwin (Buzz) Aldrin, the second man to walk on the moon, attended the event. Speaking before the event, Aldrin said he was busy with various projects: trying to get the U.S. presidential candidates to consider future space strategies, working with his non-profit organization and looking ahead to next year's 40th anniversary of the 1969 lunar landing.

With such a flurry of activity there also comes a need for funding, hence Aldrin's appearance at Fan Expo where he plans to market memorabilia in order to augment "a retirement pay that was not very high," he said. "We're not in really a self-sustaining economic posture to be doing all the things that I'm trying to do without augmenting my income in ways that are available," said Aldrin. "Speaking engagements and other appearances like that are used where they're available." (8/24)

Angola to Launch "Angosat" Satellite (Source: Xinhua)
The Angolan government has formalized a project to produce, launch and operate an Angolan satellite dubbed "Angosat". The project also includes the creation of human resources and relevant infrastructures, said the report. The Angolan government has approved the contracts for the building, placing in orbit and operation of the "Angosat" satellite signed between Angola's Ministry of Postal and Telecommunication and the Russian consortium "Rosoboronexport". (8/24)

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