May 10, 2018

Carbon-Rich Asteroid Found in Kuiper Belt (Source:
Astronomers have discovered an asteroid in the outer reaches of the solar system. The asteroid, 2004 EW95, is a C-type asteroid with a carbon-rich composition that suggests it was formed in the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter and later ejected into the Kuiper Belt beyond Neptune. The discovery is the first time a C-type asteroid has been seen in the Kuiper Belt, and matches with models of the solar system’s formation that predict that main belt asteroids would be scattered there. (5/10)

Indian Police Arrest NASA Impersonators (Source: BBC)
Indian police arrested two con men who tried to pass themselves off as NASA astronauts — badly. The father and son, wearing silver suits, sold a copper plate to a businessman for more than $200,000 claiming that the copper had been struck by a thunderbolt and could pull rice towards it, and that the businessman could then sell the plate to NASA for billions of dollars. Images of the arrested men, wearing the suits, went viral in India. (5/10)

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